Waste Time Efficiently

I'm from Holland re-mix

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Let's dance.1,2,3,4!

From Harry Jesus Potter to the African "little fur coat" son of Madonna.

1) Harry Potter Book Under High Security At Secret Locations: 20 millon dollars were used to protect the new Harry Potter book!! Shit.180 trucks to distribute it.Ok... i ll just suggest to invest 20 millon in loading 180 trucks with food and distribute it the poor favelas of Brazil, soon, the big Corcovado Jesus Christ ( one of the seven wonders of the world) in Rio, will be replace by a monumental kid made of stone with a cut in his forehead .

2 ) Crazy for Manu Chao: The famous filmaker Emir Kusturica( Black cat White cat, Underground) was in Argentina last March, filming a documentary about Diego Maradona's life. He crossed with Manu Chao and they made the new video of his new material La Radiolina, coming out worlwide on September 4th. Manu performs at the public mental hospital of Buenos Aires and three interns of the psichiatric hospital take part on the video Rainin' in paradize ( you can watch it in this site)

3) Radiohead finished the mix of their 7th album, they gave in New York City a first listening to qualified fans.There's not a date for the release , but it was confirmed that its coming out before this year ends.4) Morrissey lashed out at Madonna — and her adopted son David! — at his concert in Norfolk, Virginia.The eco-friendly rocker told concert-goers about fur-loving Madonna, “I wouldn’t be surprised if she [Madonna] made that African boy into a coat and wore him … for 15 minutes, and then threw it away.
”Morrissey balanced his unkind words for Madonna, with kind words for PETA, which he supports: “You haven’t even heard what I’m gratified about yet,” said the singer.“I’m very gratified to be so close to the international headquarters of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.”Ok, i love Morrisey , but man...veganism can turn easily in fascism, cool your jets!

see ya.

Beatz Baby Beatz!

Boom Chicago

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